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MyStudyLife (unsponsored) Review

Hey guys! I'm a very schedule oriented person who likes everything to be in order, and am also a middle schooler. School is one of my top priorities (besides health and faith). Since I like being organized, I started looking for ways to get everything (school-wise) in order by using a planner. The thing is, I have trouble getting things in and out and in of a backpack. So I started looking for ways to organize on something that I have all the time at school, my school-lent Macbook Air. I tried the reminders app and hated it, because it couldn't sync to all my other devices. Then, I made a Google search for "online school planner" and found MyStudyLife, logged into my school gmail account, and I was there. I put in all my class information, and my current assignments and tests. Its awesome because it gives me a calendar of class room numbers, names, teacher names, and due dates, as well as a to-do list that is categorized by when it's due and the class period in reference to my schedule. They also send you reminders about when stuff is due. It is intercompatable and works on the web, iOS, and Android. It can be used by middle school students (starting 6th grade) and up, as well as any teacher. You're thinking--geez all these great features, whats the cost, and I say to that FREE, everything I talked about (the planning, calendar, room number etc) is all ABSOLUTELY FREE! I highly recommend this to any middle school, high school. college student, AND teacher that likes/prefers organization

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